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Do you want to display Share or Follow icons on your website?

The following are basic instructions for using the AddThis site.

First consider what you want these icons to do and where and how you want them to be displayed on your website.

To consider:


Share or Follow icons?

(You can have both and even more options on the one site.)


Icons on every page or just certain pages?


Customise the look and position and even what icons you want to appear.


How to use AddThis 

1. Sign up to AddThis

You can have more than one website under your Login, websites are referred to as profiles.

2. Select the Dashboard Button

This will take you to the area where you add and access your websites

3. Add a Profile ( your website )

See top left menu

Decide what type of Tools (social media icons) you want and what you want them to do.
You can go back and change these tools any time you like under settings.

Go to Tools in the menu
Use Add New Tool button to select the type of tools you want
Select a Tool eg Share buttons
Select Tool Type Select Continue
For Share icons: Style and customise your tools using choices of  Sharing Services, Design, Share Counter, Position and Behavior
For Follow icons: Style and customise your tools using choices of Follow Services, Design, Position and Behavior 

Activate your tools, you must do this for your tools to show

4. Get the Code

Go to "Get the code" in your menu. The code should look something like the following:
<!-- Go to to customize your tools --><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

Copy it.


Now decide what pages in your site you want the icons to appear:


If you want the icons to appear on all pages email this code to Let her know that you want it to appear on all pages.

Click on the menu item "Site Theme Edit"/template.

Paste the code right above the closing </body> of the HTML in your website on every page you want AddThis to work.



<!-- end footer -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

<!-- theme includes if required -->



If you want the icons to appear on all Blog pages, Event pages or News pages etc

  • Go to the Index page that has been set up to receive the Blogs, Events or News posts etc;

  • Go: 'Add-on Modules' (blue button, upper right);

  • Under 'Module Index'/'Display a Share Toolbar' paste the code in the 'HTML' dialogue box.

  • This will then automatically add it to each post assigned to it.



If you want the icons to appear on a selected page only:

  1. Go to the page that you want it to appear on;
  2. Go: 'Extra Feature' in the menu below the content buttons;
  3. Under 'Style & Functionality'/'Page Body Tags:' paste the code in the dialogue box.

11 Best Free Social Sharing Widgets For Websites 2022

See here

What Social Sharing Widgets?

They are social sharing tool that appears on a lot of websites.

What information do share widgets track?

Collects non-personal information in the form of web analytics.

Why is the wrong information showing in the Facebook page preview?

Social platforms like Facebook use Open Graph meta tags to determine what content to display in sharing dialogs. We suggest adding the following Open Graph tags to each of your pages: og:image, og:description, og:title, and og:url.

Fix this problem here with Facebook debugger Tool


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